Houston, I Have a Problem!

J.L.Francois jlf@magusnet.gilbert.az.us
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 17:18:17 -0700

Right before you got dropped to the Maint login
you should have gotten an error telling you which
filesystem failed.

Determine which linux filesystem it is ( example: /dev/hda3 )
and do:
e2fsck /dev/hda3
to fix the problem.

If it is not catastrophic then when the machines
boots from the fsck you will be fine.
If not it will dump files to lost+found that you will
have to review with Vgrep[1].

JLF Sends...

[1] Vgrep is the first grep ever created.
    It involves using the human eye to carefully examine strings
    for patterns. Usually not as fast as fgrep or common grep but
    generally a lot more accurate in most cases.
    Commanly referred to as Visual grep.

It seems like on Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 12:03:44PM -0700, Charles Lubin scribbled:
Orig Msg> Help! I have a dual boot system, Gateway 350, 128RAM, 10gig, partitioned as 
Orig Msg> two 5gig drives, WIN98 and Caldera's OpenLinux 2.4. Up until two nights ago 
Orig Msg> I was using KDE as my Desktop, then I decided to use Gnome. Which installed 
Orig Msg> using the Helix interface, ran great, system really semed to flow nicely 
Orig Msg> between app and such. Well, last night I was in a hurry and instead of 
Orig Msg> letting the Linux OS shutdown I turned it off at the login page!(bad man!) I 
Orig Msg> couple of hours later I re-started the machine and was letting it roll into 
Orig Msg> linux, everythinh was fine UNTIL it came to checking the System Files! It 
Orig Msg> failed this step, the next thing that happen was I was prompted to enter my 
Orig Msg> password for maintenance(?) or Control-D to continue.  Well I entered my 
Orig Msg> password, then my command prompt appeared. So what maintenance is required? 
Orig Msg> I never got to the Control-D feature.
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Any Suggestions, do I need to reload linux?
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> thanks,
Orig Msg> chuck
Orig Msg> ________________________________________________________________________