question for any C++ progammers
Eric Samson
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:14:02 MST
Thanks everyone, I will give it a shot when I get home. I just thought that
it was odd that it ran from the prompt one day and not the next. The book I
am using was pretty vague on the compiler syntax. I compiled it without the
.o extension as well, I was about to go out and purchase code warrior, so
hopefully you guys just saved me some $$$ : )
I am pretty new to C++, compiling, etc., I really want to learn this
stuff... I am trying to figure out how to validate input from a user to
make it accept only positive numeric values. I was using a while loop to
check it, but when the user enters an alpha character, I get stuck in the
loop of death, I am sure many of you have experienced this. I asked my
instructor how to do this, but he said that he wasn't sure. would an if
statement nested in a while loop solve my problem??
Sorry about these newbie questions, but it's my second week in the class.. :
----Original Message Follows----
From: Robert Ambrose <>
Subject: Re: question for any C++ progammers
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 07:39:50 -0700 (MST)
First the .o extension is for compiled but not linked modules. Your
command line should be something like 'g++ Assn2.cpp -oexp1', or more
commonly: 'g++ Assn2.cpp -oAssn2'.
You problem is probably the 'current directory' is not in your PATH. Try
executing your program with './exp1.o'.
On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Eric Samson wrote:
> Ok, this is frustrating...
> yesterday when I compiled some stuff I wrote in C++, I was able to run
> executable by typing exp1.o at the command prompt... Today, I tried it
> again and got the following output:
> []$ cd ~/C++assignments
> [C++assignments]$ g++ Assn2.cpp -oexp1.o
> [C++assignments]$ dir
> Assn2.cpp Currency2-1.o Currencycalc2-2.cpp Currencycalc3.cpp
> Assn2.cpp~ Currency2-2.o Currencycalc2-2.cpp~ exp1.o
> Currency1.cpp Currencycalc2-1.cpp Currencycalc2.cpp
> Currency1.o Currencycalc2-1.cpp~ Currencycalc2.cpp~
> [C++assignments]$ exp1.o
> bash: exp1.o: command not found
> [C++assignments]$
> For some reason my compiled program won't run today, but it did yesterday
> using the exact same commands. I love linux, but little inconsistent
> like this is really aggrivating... I re-installed the gcc RPM's and
> upgraded my BASH shell to no avail... I need some help here, or it's
> to M$ Visual C++ to get my school work done. I am trying to avoid this,
> especially since I got done telling my class how great open source and
> are, but now I might have to eat my words next week... ANY help would be
> appreciated..
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric
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