wine and starcraft

Mike Cantrell
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 07:29:46 -0700

I agree w/ Brian. Try the version they used. I think I had the version
that came w/ Mandrake 6.1 working with it (which was a later version)
but when I upgraded, it broke.

Also, you don't have to switch your XF86Config back and forth. You can
just add an extra mode line for 640x480 and you can use ctrl+alt+<key
pad minus or plus> to switch resolutions. The bad part is that all the
modes are stuck w/ the same bbp's (at least w/ XFree86 3.3.6 and below)
but you can just start up X like this:

startx -- -bpp 8

It may easy your pain while testing... 

Mike Cantrell

Roger Prutsman wrote:
> I don't know if any of you guys have tried StarCraft
> under linux, but if I can pull this off, I am a huge
> step closer to not rebooting to the dark side.
> I have installed the latest rpm of wine (20000614-1).
> I have got everything installed correctly. I can pull
> up many programs under it. I am trying to run
> StarCraft, though. I notice when I bring up the
> StarEdit program, that I only see 8 colors. I have
> specified 8bpp, which is 256. When I try to launch
> StarCraft, it tells me to set my display to 640x480 x
> 256 colors. I have made a copy of my XF86Config file
> and set it accordingly. Yet, I still only get 8
> colors, and StarCraft won't start up successfully.
> Does anyone know how I can set this so it will work
> correctly?
> And yes, I have read all the HOW-TOs on this subject,
> both Wine and StarCraft.
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