Oracle and Netscape webserver
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 07:34:15 -0700 (MST)
\_ Well, I got a new job that's going to require me to develop Perl
\_ projects for Oracle and Netscape Webserver. Unfortunately, I've never
\_ used either... my main experience is w/ Apache and mySQL.
\_ The company knows I have no experience and will train but I'm trying to
\_ get a head start on them. I've installed Oracle 8i under linux and just
\_ purchased O'Reilly's Oracle Essentials so that's a start. Does anyone
\_ know of any good online resources for either or some handy tips to pass
\_ along for someone who's migrating from Apache/mySQL?
The hardest thing I had to deal with was getting DBI::Oracle to
install happily on to the linux boxen. I finally got the sequence
down to about 4 minutes....
scp -r /opt/oracle root@otherhost:/opt
scp -r /usr/lib/perl5/DBI/Oracle root@otherhost:/usr/lib/perl5/DBI
It was much faster than tracking down the dependency makefile for
Oracle that needed and building from scratch.
Other than that....the web server is a web server, the database is a
database. Unless, of course, you're coding for module insertion into
either the web server or oracle, in which case you are going to have
to spend some quality time with a book or four. :-)