Looking for a good hardware store.
Julian M Catchen
Mon, 07 Aug 2000 17:37:42 -0700 (MST)
Well, although you may not get any customer service, the biggest computer store
that I have *ever* been to, that is a land-locked, non-internet store is Fry's.
If you know what you want, or know enough to not need a salesman try it (it sure
beats comp usa or and or the Office* stores).
2300 W Baseline Rd TEMPE AZ (Baseline and I-10).
On 07-Aug-2000 Blake B. wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm looking to buy a couple PIII 650's, and being new to the area, I was
> wondering what everyone thinks the best hardware store is, as far as
> overclocker-friendlyness and prices on bleeding edge stuff goes. I'd
> really like to be able to try out these CPUs to judge their
> overclockability before I get stuck with them...
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> * Blake
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j. m. c a t c h e n - p h x, a z
j u l i a n a t c a t c h e n d o t o r g
*h t t p : / / w w w . c a t c h e n . o r g*
d a t e: 07-Aug-2000 t i m e: 17:33:29