My crusade for web content filtering
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 22:14:52 -0700
Because proving you are right in a court of law costs money.
To prove that UUMCUINT is a Cracker Haven[tm] takes more money
than I have.
The 1st Amendment is about Free Speach, not Free Legal Counsel.
Please look up SLAPP in any legal dictionary/site.
It is cheaper for me to turn crackers attempts in my logs
over to the AttyGen Office and the FBI than deal with a
blacklist of National ISPs that will let loose the landsharks
on a whim. National ISPs will listen to LEAs after they blow me off
like EXXXXS did after a 2 hour cracker spree in my logs elicited
*no* response from the abuse department and security department.
It seems like on Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 09:08:39PM -0700, Brian Cluff scribbled:
Orig Msg> > I would prefer to shame the providers but some of the attacks come from
Orig Msg> > countries that have no laws against system probes and of course there is
Orig Msg> the
Orig Msg> > liability of calling a network a Cracker Haven[tm].
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> OK, I curious. What exactly is the big deal with calling a particular
Orig Msg> network a cracker haven?... Especially if you can prove that that it seems
Orig Msg> to be. I know that if someone said suck things about my ISP. I would
Orig Msg> initially say "HEY", then I would clean up my act, and make sure that my
Orig Msg> network isn't being used to attack other networks.
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg>
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JLF Sends...
They say:
"Madness takes its toll."
Please have exact change...