My crusade for web content filtering
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 21:44:10 -0700
Don't know.
I'll have to RTFM to find out.
My gut feeling is that being a proxy it has to have
some mechanism for doing this.
JLF Sends...
It seems like on Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 09:38:10PM -0700, Kevin Saling scribbled:
Orig Msg> > I use the API in my proxy and feed the data stream
Orig Msg> > thru a Perl script to rewrite WWW pages and add my banners.
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> That's all I'm looking for. I want to scan the data stream for key words.
Orig Msg> If I get a hit, I want to rewrite the page to something like:
Orig Msg> <html>
Orig Msg> <body>
Orig Msg> This page is blocked. :P
Orig Msg> </body>
Orig Msg> </html>
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> This is not possible with squid, true?
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> ...Kevin
JLF Sends...
When I said to people to use PGP/GPG for all email they laughed at me
and said they don't use encryption because they have nothing to hide
or it was too hard to learn and use.
When the press released that the USA FBI Carnivore system and UK RIP bill
allowed for easily reading their email, they called me to ask for help
configuring PGP and GPG. I laughed. ( J.L.Francois )