What happened to linux HOWTOs

sinck@corp.quepasa.com sinck@corp.quepasa.com
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 11:09:19 -0700 (MST)

If your browser hasn't been refreshed since the mentioned DNS magic,
dump it and try again.  NS caches DNS entries....  Shoot NS, shoot
again it til dead, then relaunch it.

\_ weird!
\_ -----Original Message-----
\_ From: Furmanek, Greg [mailto:Greg.Furmanek@hit.cendant.com]
\_ When I click on your link I get 404.
\_ -----Original Message-----
\_ From: Lucas Vogel [mailto:lvogel@exponent.com]
\_ http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX-3.html
\_ -----Original Message-----
\_ From: Furmanek, Greg [mailto:Greg.Furmanek@hit.cendant.com]
\_ The list of HOWTOs.
\_ -----Original Message-----
\_ From: Lucas Vogel [mailto:lvogel@exponent.com]
\_ what are you looking for? Two clicks and I was in the HOWTO index.
\_ -----Original Message-----
\_ From: Furmanek, Greg [mailto:Greg.Furmanek@hit.cendant.com]
\_ I went to linuxdoc.org and I can't find anything
\_ anymore.