Austin Godber
Sun, 16 Apr 2000 14:26:58 -0700
I would guess your real problem is with a lack of available RAM. If you
are using Gnome/Enlightenment on a RedHat box it will take up a TON of
RAM. Like 25MB-40MB (I don't remember since I saw that I switched back to
FVWM2). Then when you fire up a hog like Star Office that sucks another
24MB of RAM:
4447 godber 0 0 24820 24M 19476 1 R 0.0 9.6 0:07 soffice.bin
This is just after starting up, I haven't opened any documents or
Don't worry about the Java runtime environment. Thats not likely
to help any. I think all it does is provide a RE within the star office
program so you can execute java programs. And if there was a java version
of Star Office (I bet there is or soon to be - i.e. StarPortal) I imagine
it would be dreadfully slow. Granted I am just guessing right now.
What do I suggest? Either get more RAM (thank goodness prices are
reasonable again) or change windows managers, but be forewarned there is a
big difference between the gnome/enlightenment experience and the fvwm
I say go get 128MB of RAM. You can find it for less than $90
On Sun, Apr 16, 2000 at 02:13:07PM -0700, Joel Dudley wrote:
> Does star office run faster when running under Jave in the JRE? I installed
> it using the Java-less option and man is it slow. I have a K6-2 300 with 48
> MB of RAM on my linux box and Star Office takes about 2 minutes just to
> load up and when I am actually in it is is slower than heck. Got a bit
> better when I did hdparm -c3d1 /dev/hda, but still not usuable for my
> patience today. I got so frustrated I am now going to type my paper in
> Office 97 on my Game Machine (please forgive me for my momentary weakness).
> Come to think of it my entire Gnome experience has been much slower than I
> am used to. I have an 8 meg 3D labs card but Xconfigurator only found it to
> have 512 K of RAM I tried to set it manually. Could X perhaps be
> underutilizing my card? Maybe I should just get a better Card like a viper
> v550, anyone have on for trade/sale? Thanks in advance as always.
> - Joel
> Just realizing my path out of newbiedom just got longer
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Austin Godber