I give up (at least for tonight)
Digital Wokan
Sun, 16 Apr 2000 12:59:24 -0700
So long, Mark. When GPF's and BSOD's test your patience again, you'll
probably try Linux again to see if it's got better AVI support, or
you'll try BeOS.
Of course... there's still your impatience with the learning curve.
> "Mark R. Myers" wrote:
> I ready to chuck this whole Linux thing!
> I went to CompUSA today and bought OpenLinux 2.4 for the eDesktop.
> It is supposed geared to make the Linux experience better for a
> desktop user, with RealAudio already configured to work with Netscape,
> Adobe Acrobat, the whole nine yards.
> I installed it with little problems, but it did not like any of my
> Linux-compatible network cards. I tried 3 different ones that I know
> are Linux compatible...nothing.
> So, I reinstalled Mandrake 7. No problems, everything looks great.
> Recently I decided to transfer some video taped material onto CD-Rs so
> that hopefully it would last longer.
> So, I had a 128MB AVI file that has 46 seconds of video on it, totally
> uncompressed.
> It plays terrible jerking in Linux.
> I switch back to Win98 and it plays flawlessly.
> I just sick of the whole thing. At least I can get certain OSes to do
> what I want them to do, without having to be a computer programmer.
> Good night!
> Mark
Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior