network cards
Jason Brown
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:48:17 -0700
I do know linksys has changed the drivers for the etherfast 4.0 series that
just came out. Their web page says to use the drivers on the second floppy
disk under the folder "Linux" My problem is that I only received one floppy
disk. You could download the .exe from the linksys web page to create the
Jason Brown
On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Well, another newbie plight for me. I am setting up a linux firewall that
> has two Linksys Etherfast 10/100 NIC's in it. I was not asked to set them
> up during the install however. If I do cat /proc/pci I see them just
> fine. I tried to create my own /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
> file but to no avail. I then appended lilo.conf with the IRQ's and IO for
> my cards but still no good. Every time it tries to bring up the interfaces
> it says "No such device. Error fetching interface:Device not found" I even
> went into linuxconfig and added the IRQ's and IO's for the cards. I am
> using the tulip.o module. Do I need to recompile my kernel before I use the
> module? tulip.o is listed in my /lib/modules/curentkernelversion/net dir.
> Is there a better way to set up new network cards under linux?? Thanks for
> the newbie help in advance.
> - Joel
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