Problem with Apache Web Server
Mike Cantrell
Sun, 09 Apr 2000 12:34:54 -0700
What's in your error logs?
You might also try putting in the entire path in the open function instead of
relying on the .. to work.
open(FILE, ">> /usr/local/apache/data.files/contents.list");
Another strange thing is that you're opening the file for writing (>>). This
W=would require that the file perms be set to at least 666. If you don't need to
write to the file, open it like this:
open(FLE, "/usr/local/apache/data.files/contents.list");
Mike Cantrell
Rick Rosinski wrote:
> I am running a stand-alone web server on my Slackware box.
> I use it to set up my web site before uploading it to a virtual host.
> The problem that I have is with the perl script that generates the table of
> contents for the left frame of my web site (
> The copy on the virtual host works fine, but the same script generates an
> internal server error, and the table of contents is not generated. This was
> not a problem on the SuSE system that I once had set up on the same box.
> I had narrowed the problem down to this: It seems that when any "open (FILE,
> ">>../data.files/contents.list") is encountered, it crashes with the Internal
> Server Error. I am running as root, all file permissions seem correct, and the
> same scripts work fine on the virtual server. Also, all scripts that don't
> involve file access work fine on the local server. I am using Apache 1.3.12.
> Also, when I just run "perl /cgi-bin/contents.cgi", the correct HTML is
> generated, including the table of contents from "../data.files/contents.list".
> So, I think that there is a problem with Apache and file access. Perl works
> fine, and the virtual host works fine. What could be wrong with Apache?
> --
> Rick Rosinski
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