Position Open

Mike Starke mgcon@neta.com
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 12:50:30 -0700 (MST)

I have an immediate position open in my department.
To make it simple, below is a brief job description
for anyone who may be interested.

Place of employment: Mobility Electronics (Scottsdale Airpark)
Web site: http://www.mobl.com

We have appoximately 50 users, all running Windows NT.
We have 6 linux (Debian) servers, a NT domain controller,
and a Citrix server.

I'm looking for someone who can handle all aspects of desktop support,
familarity with NT Server, poccess a basic networking skillset,
can perform basic functions on a linux system (install, admin users,
backup, apache/mysql/perl a plus, etc), reliably show up for work,
have a willingness to learn, and poccess a personality. :-)

Please keep all posts to this thread off the list and reply
directly to:
or call 480.596.0061 ext116
Phoenix, AZ