Flamebait "What shall we do with the Microsoft....."

Rick Rosinski rick@rickrosinski.com
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 16:36:54 -0700

Can this thread please die?  This is getting monotonous.
I don't care if M$ lives or dies, as long as I get to choose among different
OS's.  I think Linux (and Unix) is stronger than it has ever been, and it will
grow more popular on the end-user end - not even mentioning the preference for
a Unix-based OS by sys admins for both Inter and Intra networking.  The fact
that M$ is under attack for its practices now is re-assuring that they will not
kill the Unix world, and OS choice among end-users.   I think M$ will always be
around.  I predict that it will be more into the service industry than the
software industry in the long run.  So I have no worries.

On Mon, 03 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> I have to say this was my best flamebait yet.
> Thanks for participating.
> The Wolf.
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Rick Rosinski