Nathan Saper
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 02:22:24 -0500 (CDT)
Hey, everybody, long time no see... how's everybody doin'?
OK, here's the deal: I'm gonna buy a workstation for general use (serving
up web pages, surfing the 'Net, apps development, etc.), and I'd love some
suggestions. Right now, I'm heavily leaning towards a Sun Ultra 5, but
I'm not sure if I should leave good ole' X86. I made one recent journey
out of PC land with my NeXTStation, and it turned out to be less than I
expected. Of course, it is a pretty old machine...
I'm trying to keep the price fairly reasonable (below 5 grand if at all
possible), but I still want something that will be very useful for a long
time. Any thoughts?
P.S. It must support both 10BaseT (for connecting to my NeXTStation) and
100BaseT (for connecting to my laptop and my network), and PC printer
support would be a plus.
Nathan Saper
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