Ping but not able to ftp or telnet
Tom Jones
Tue, 22 Feb 1994 21:31:24 +0700
Edit your /etc/inetd.conf to uncomment (remove the #) at the beginning of the
lines for ftp and telnet. Then restart inetd.
If that isn't your problem, it could be tcpwrappers. Try adding your local
network and its netmask into /etc/hosts.allow. it should be something along
the lines of
Obviously you'll want to substitute your network numbers and netmask.
For more info:
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem with ftp-ing to my linux box. I recently installed on one
> of my machines RedHat6.2. The other two(Solaris and Windows2000) machines on
> the network can ftp each other with out any problem. And I am able to ftp to
> other machines from my Linux box. But when I telnet or ftp to Linux box, I
> get
> ftp:connect: connection refused.
> I am able to ping the Linux box, though.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Sundar
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