Possible F/OSS project at my school district

randy at SPiNInternetMedia.com plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed Jun 1 14:36:02 2005


1) Either database will suit you well. They are both widely supported
and feature rich (now).

2) Coldfusion is a bad choice. Hard to find competent support. Apps
tend to break with upgrades. I've run into a couple horror stories
where clients ended up paying $250hr to get competent application
development and support. PHP is a better choice. Even Java J2EE
(Jboss/Tomcat) is better in my view. Thirdly, ASP on windows is better
for a school in my view. But PHP is definitely the way to go for a
school. This is my personal opinion... and you know how those go...

3)Distro choice? Debian is the default server linux of choice...
Excellent package management and clean install. However, if your school
is willing to pay for REALLY nice management UI tools, Novell/Suse is
looking crazy good. Call RedSeven computers at 480-755-GEEK for more
info on Suse desktops. 

Let me know if you need any further help/opinions/advice.

; ) .randy

--- Erik Bixby <erik.bixby@gmail.com> wrote:

> My administration is considering moving our student information
> system
> to Coldfusion MX 6.1 on top of Linux.  They have some questions they
> would like answered before we choose a direction.
> 1) PostGRESQL versus MySQL - does anybody have any experience with
> either and Coldfusion?  Good, bad or otherwise, they want to know if
> there are going to be any advantages to one versus the other.  As far
> as I know, PostGRESQL has more features that may be of value at some
> point down the road, while MySQL is optimized for speed.  Apparently,
> Coldfusion comes with a MySQL connector.  It may also come with a
> PostGRESQL connector, and probably does, but the decision maker with
> whom I just had a conversation wasn't sure.
> 2) Coldfusion MX 6.1 - does anybody have any experience with
> Coldfusion on top of Linux, good, bad or otherwise?
> 3) Distribution choice - would anyone have any recommendations as far
> as a particular distribution that would be best suited for what we're
> planning on doing?
> I apologize, in advance, for anything that may be redundant and/or
> annoying.  I am just the network guy, asking on the big-whig's
> behalf.
>  :)  I have a great deal of familiarity with computer networks and
> operating systems.  But, my web-app and database fu is a little weak.
> So, I was unable to provide him with definitive answers...  Also,
> don't hesitate to ask for clarification on anything, if you need more
> information.  Thank you all, in advance, for your input.
> -Erik

..::Randy Melder::..
602-279-0135 - http://www.SPiNInternetMedia.com/

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