development project

Alan Dayley
Wed Feb 23 07:54:02 2005

Sorry for replying to the wrong list.  I updated my desktop and my email
client filters are a bit scrambled.

As I stated in the discuss list:

"Well, Joseph is the point man on the project, as far as I know.  He is
also due to give the Devel presentation next week so maybe he is
concentrating on that preparation before firing up the project.  It would
be good to bring it up in the Devel email list.

"I have not contacted Derek about a GNUe presentation, though he probably
will see this exchange.  I'll check with him."

I have sent a persentation invitation to Derek.  We'll see how his
availability is.

I have purposefully been holding back on pushing the project.  I'd like to
see others step up and do things in the group.  So, I bring the issue up
but am backing off ot let others take the reigns and the lime light, as it

Anyone is welcome to bring it up and push the issue further.  Email Joseph
directly and get stuff going.  I'd like to see it grow.
