inventory: user story

Fri Apr 8 10:19:02 2005

Am 08. Apr, 2005 schw=E4tzte Joseph Sinclair so:

> I count at least 22 separate user-stories here (some may become multiple
> when they're estimated out).

Well, from my perspective as the customer they're all one thing :).



> Thanks, Hans.
> der.hans wrote:
> >moin, moin,
> >
> >for the InstallFests we need to be able to track physical resources, e.g=
> >networking switches, power cables, spare pci cards, duct tape, name tags=
> >to be used preparing for and during the InstallFest.
> >
> >We need to be able to track:
> >. what the desired quantity of the resource is
> >. who is providing some quantity ( more, less, or equal to the amt neede=
> >)
> >. a running total of the quantity thus far spoken for
> >. a running total of the quantity thus far actually received
> >. when the items will be delivered
> >. who will be receiving the items
> >. how the items are going to be returned
> >. who is responsible for returning them
> >. where the items will be stored before, during and after the InstallFes=
> >. how to contact those donating
> >. whether or not those donating have been reminded that they're donating
> >. administrative interface and read-only viewable interface
> >
> >It would also be good to track:
> >. required quantity vs. desired quantity
> >. descriptions
> >. notes per resource and per donated bunch
> >. information about those donating, those receiving and those returning
> >. auto-reminders for those donating
> >. views/reports of subsets of the data
> >. assignment of responsibility for acquiring certain resources to specif=
> >people, e.g. one person makes sure we have enough networking, another
> >makes sure we have enough spare keyboards
> >. highlight somehow items not available in sufficient quantities
> >. alert reminders that something is in short supply
> >. autogeneration of a thank you page/email ( needs to respect those who
> >want to not be listed in such a thank you )
> >
> >Resources such as volunteers, presenters and skillsets actually fit in t=
> >same place, to some extent.
> >
> >Hmm, guess that's more of a User Novella than User Story, but it's all
> >relevant :).
> >
> >ciao,
> >
> >der.hans
> >
> >

#  "The reasons for my decision to quit were myriad, but central to the
#  decision was the realization that there are two kinds of companies:
#  Good ones ask you to think for them.
#  The others tell you to think like them." -- Benjy Feen