Free e-book offer

Phil Winninghoff
Sun Mar 7 08:24:02 2004

This may seem,to some, as a strange posting, but maybe not. Never know
unless you try. I have began writing a second novel that I want to put
on the net in serial form. I'm not interested in ever seeing it
published in print form. Did that through subsidized publishing, at
considerable drain on my retirement funds, and never want to do that
The setting for the story is fifteen years from now and it has to do
with the struggle of people who believe in the open source model of
software development, regaining a place in the world after the
proprietary people take it over and declare there activities illegal.
The word Microsoft is never mentioned, nor is the name, Bill Gates. I
will confess that the story hinges around what I perceive of what would
happen if the man got his way, unchecked, based upon everything I have
read about, and by him.  I have two chapters roughed out so far. What I
would like to do is build a reader list of people who may be interested
in reading the book as it progresses and may even share with me, their
comments. I'm not looking for free editing service. I will send
chapters, one at a time,  only to people who request them. The chapters
will be sent as plain text attachments. There are no restrictions on
redistribution. In fact, I encourage it. If you are interested you can
send your request to Comments and discussion through
this mailing list are also welcome.