Java,OOo,Free Software

Fri Jun 4 00:11:02 2004

moin, moin,

just got back from PLUG-devel where we discussed, among other things, Sun
and its stance on Free Software.

One of the questions was whether or not is available through
the GPL. Verrily, it is :).

" uses a dual license strategy for the source code and a
separate documentation license for most documents published on the website
without the intention of being included in the product. The source-code
licenses are the GNU General Public License and the Sun Industry Standards
Source License. The document license is the Public Document License."

"but in the end, regardless of the license used, any and all incompatible
changes must be published openly."

I question that statement as the GPL certainly does not require changes to
be published under all circumstances.

When I got home I see that there was a new article saying Sun plans on an
Open Source version of Java at some point.,2000061733,39149502,00.htm

I'd missed the earlier post about releasing Solaris under an Open Source

Hmm, Schwartz is the guy who earlier this week said hardware will be free.

Been on the job 7 weeks now and he's giving away 2 of Sun's 3 businesses.
Wonder if he'll make it an 8th week :).

I note they're not saying it will all be open source everywhere and they're
not saying Free Software, but it looks promising.


#  Wer bereit ist, grundlegende Freiheiten aufzugeben, um sich
#  kurzfristige Sicherheit zu verschaffen, der hat weder Freiheit
#  noch Sicherheit verdient.  --  Benjamin Franklin  (1706 - 1790)