CVS directory not created

Derek Neighbors
Mon Jul 15 09:40:02 2002

> After importing a project into the CVS repository, the CVS directory
> in my working directory was not created.  The work directory was in my
> home directory.
> Is there a permissions issue where the CVS server cannot write to my
> home directory?
> According to Webmin, the box does not have a cvs user (not a user that
> uses cvs but a user for the cvs server).  Does it need one?

I think you just need to setup a 'writers' file in the CVSROOT module. 
You have to remove the original source tree and then check it out
according to the docs or mv it out fo the way if you are paranoid.

You do want to have proper permissions on the repository I think most
people create a cvs group with perms something like owner=root group=cvs
dirs chmod 775 files chmod 664.
