
Carl Parrish plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue Dec 10 00:46:02 2002

Never mind I figured it out. instead of having 
. /etc/profile

I had 

Its always the little things. <g>

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 20:00, Carl Parrish wrote:
> Okay I created a startup script for tomcat (I seem to rembmer they used
> to have one but I don't have it now). Any way I added it to the correct
> runleveals and it seems to work except for the fact that JAVA_HOME has
> to be set to start tomcat. So I've tried both setting the JAVA_HOME
> varable in script and sourcing /etc/profile in the startup script.
> Neighter seems to work. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Carl Parrish (cparrish@carlparrish.com)
Registered Linux User #295761 http://counter.li.org