cross-platform c++ classes?
Rob Wehrli
Tue May 22 13:15:21 2001
Lucas Vogel wrote:
> Thanks, Rob.
> BTW, I forgot to send you the link to the GSD stuff:
> And thanks for the input; I really do appreciate it. To follow your advice,
> I'm going to start working with what I know and see where it takes me...
No worries. Good luck in your endeavors. Just remember, there are a
lot of "bad" OO designs and resultant implementations out there because
it is really hard to get it right the first couple of hundred times you
create class definitions. No body "wants" to create "bad" designs or
implementations, but it is extremely easy to do it and C++ will let you
do it as long as you want! Most of the implementations kinda "hide"
their weaknesses because, hey, it works; does the job; doesn't
break...but it isn't reusable. This is what they mean by using C++ as a
"better C." My OO life started with Objective C in the mid-80s. C++
was just starting to be talked about in the circles I traveled by the
time I was "seriously a NextStep head." Objective C is incredibly
similar to Java in some core ways and when I talked at length with James
Gosling during an "educational summit" and golf tournament in Hawaii one
day, he responded that it was not just Objective C that helped influence
Java, but a number of "good things" about "many" OO languages. As you
probably know, Gosling Emacs was (stolen from RMS if you believe that
line of responses) written in LISP. Of course, the good thing about
Java is that it is a "Pure OOP" language. Oh well, I'm off on a tangent
now, huh? I spend most of my time in embedded code these days busy with
MyLinux :) I sometimes think of "reimplementing" the Linux kernel as an
OO set of classes, but then I wake up and grab a fresh breath of reality
and am just happy I can use it as it is now.
> Lucas
Take Care.