First Meeting Content/Agenda...

Rob Wehrli
Fri Jul 13 21:36:02 2001

Kit Plummer wrote:
> I know there has been some comment on prospective content for the
> PLUG-Development meetings...maybe now is a good time to start homing in
> on a specific objective and agenda guideline???

Kinda funny to see a thread with "Agenda" in it without anyone proposing
one...I guess I'll go first!

> Keep in mind that it will be difficult to meet everyone's hopes and
> expectations when making suggestions.

With meetings every other month, it will be challenging to meet
*anyone's* hopes and expectations for content.  The meetings should be
what they will be, if I may so boldly offer my prophetic opinions in
this manner, they will be "networking" sessions where the general topics
range generally from Linux programming to more-specific issues regarding
developer's issues.  The structure, organization and schedule do not
seem to allow for any real "intensity" or focus in any particular area,
but could with an appropriate agenda pushed a 30-45 minute "lecture" as
would necessarily be integrated with the social "networking" function of
the group.  Allow me to propose a template agenda similarly to the one
used for the Java Users Group.

	18:00	Early Birds Of Feather

	19:30	Call to Order
	19:31	Introduction/Welcome
	19:35	News/Minutes/Business
(approx)19:45	Keynote/Presentation
(approx)20:30	Break
	20:45	Return/Start Open Forum
	21:45	Door Prizes/Adjourn to Snacks
	22:00	Formal End
	23:00	Close Doors

This agenda can obviously be modified, however, the gist of it provides
quality networking time before and after the session along with an
opportunity to conduct "group business" and have a
"lecture/presentation" that at least gets some useful information out to
the entire group.  I've added an "Open Forum" that is the "passing of
the microphone" or "group circle" entity needed to give people an
opportunity to voice opinions/concerns/issues that are not "group
related" but are "Linux Devel topic-related."  A break in the middle
allows keynotes to sometimes go over a bit and, if desirous by the
group, to wander into Open Forum time in perhaps a transitionary way
that turns into a Q&A.  Additional Q&A and off-topic discussion can
happen easily in the "OF" or, if individuals with issues so desire,
discussion can pick up after adjournment, which has a full hour for
drinking beer/soda and munching snaks and, of course, networking.

The format allows for individuals to link-up with group members with
similar objectives and interests and for them to decide whether or not
they'd like to propose a presentation or other group "sharing" thing
at/for a future meeting.

I think that finding speakers won't be too challenging as there are
already enough people who have demonstrated some skill in some areas of
interest to the group, for example: Tcl/Tk, PERL, GUI Libs,
least enough to fill 6-12 months of meetings, or about 3-6 sessions.  I
don't think anyone will be coming for the purpose of heckling the
speaker(s), so I don't think anyone should be overly self-conscious
about the group is likely to be small and relatively

That is about all I have to say on this topic.  The key to decent
"group" is decent organization...not to be confused with rigid schedules
and BS agenda that cut against the group-grain...but, at least a plan to
keep the focus of the "group" focused in a manner that benefits the

The first year of Java Users Group meetings with me as President were
held at the Squaw Peak Hilton where the Hilton catered the snacks and
beverages and we met at the Lantana bar and grill for beer and "pupus"
afterwards.  I don't mean to "flaunt" our "style" for those meetings,
rather, anything is possible with the right organization and effort.  I
guess my point in all of this is, what is our oraganization?  Do we have
any organization...does anyone want to organize?  Does anyone really
care about organization or is this going to track the "PLUG" meeting
"style" where organization tends to be generally (probably purposefully)

Anyway...time for me to return to my hole and let you folks tell me what
we're doing and *why* we're doing it.

Take Care.
