Linux API/standard calls etc.

Rob Wehrli
Sat, 20 Jan 2001 01:00:14 -0700

> Sorry if this is a vague question, but I"m looking for documentation on
> "standard" linux system calls, etc. for things like file input/output,

While the man files are an endless source of good information, sometimes
knowing what to "man" is difficult, especially for newcomers to Linux/UNIX

There are a number of good standard C library references.  One good place to
start is a somewhat older, but available used book (check
called Using C on the Unix System by David A. Curry, ISBN: 0937175234
Although it is dated, it is a great book because it gives you useful
examples of standard function calls found on every UNIX system.  If you'd
rather, as a starting point, you can download the example code from the book
by pointing to:

>From my recollection, it was the first-ever Nutshell book.

There is also an excellent "quick reference" guide produced by SSC, though
the last time I heard, they were discontinued.  I bought several copies
because I kept finding mine missing :)

Check out my "short list" of recommended Linux/C reading by pointing to:

> Does this make sense? Can someone point me out to some good documentation?
> I'm looking to write code in C++...

If you're serious about using C++, then you're not likely to need C system
calls as much as all that.  There are already a number of wrapper classes
out there for you to exploit--especially if you're into GUI development.
You'll probably want to focus on iostreams.  My recommendation is to learn
the C-Lib stuff using C and migrate to C++ as you get higher level.

> Thanks

> Lucas Vogel

Take Care.
