update please

Carl Parrish plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu Dec 13 16:21:02 2001

> Like hans said... NO JAVA... I hate that steaming crap of a language :)
> Plus is not totally free.
> (forgive my stupidity... but was is SAX... and can we use GUITAR instead...
> we could avoid a lot of porn that way... but seriously, what is SAX?)
> Anyway, I hope that helps a bit...  Hopefully I can go live with the
> website/server that I have been putting together in the tiny amount of spare
>  time that we I have.
> Brian Cluff
I agree with the reasons not to use JAVA it just what I'm more famillar with it for XML (other than XUL). SAX stands for "Simple API for XML".

It looks like the C++ verison of xerces will work 
(http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/index.html). A while ago it was often 
said that the C++ verison was way behind the Java version but that 
doesn't seem to still be the case. Since xerces is an apache project I 
don't think we'll have license problems. The short answer to what SAX is 
   : SAX is an *event* driven parser for XML as opposed to the DOM which 
has to build a massive in-memory map of the entire document to parse SAX 
can go directly to the event that you call. This allows large XML 
documents to be accessed about as fast as a database would (of course 
there are exceptions). Anyway this would let us have all the flexiblity 
that XML would offer without have to give up speed. As I assume the 
documents would get rather big.

Carl P.