syslog to app

Thu, 12 Oct 2000 23:02:26 -0700

"der.hans" wrote:
> moin, moin,
> I need to capture output from syslog into an application. I need that app
> to catch *all* of the output from a particular service.
> I have found that something that watches /var/log/whatever stops working
> when the logs get rotated. Not a good thing. Maybe there's a way to do
> that right. I'd rather not have to tie something into the syslog rotation
> functionality as keeping the activities synced is probably a pain long
> term.

Any time the length of a file being watched DECREASES, the application
doing the watching should know to reset its pointers to the beginning
of the file, right? That seems like the most obvious fix to this
problem, although I suppose it is possible that a storm of entries
immiadiatly after log rotation would result in the very first portion
of the new logfile being missed anyways...

It sounds to me almost like the something thats watching in the above
paragraph might be a variation of tail -f or something...

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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