PLUG Virtual Meeting on Mar 11th - The Privacy Tax: How tracking and hacking affect

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Wed Mar 10 10:33:46 MST 2021

  PLUG Meeting for Mar 11^th

*Attend by going to:*


This month:
"*Dawn E. Collett: The Privacy Tax: How tracking and hacking affect*"

** *******
****Dawn E. Collett: The Privacy Tax: How tracking and hacking affect*

Surveillance is everywhere. From CCTV cameras on the streets to cookies 
that track users around the web as they browse, the vast majority of 
human activity is monitored in some form. The burden of being watched 
disproportionately falls on marginalised groups, and people with 
disabilities are no exception in this regard. If your medical records 
contain sensitive information that you've discussed with your doctor to 
get appropriate treatment, information security suddenly becomes far 
more important to you. And if your only method of communication is 
connected to the Internet 24/7, and thus vulnerable to hackers, true 
privacy is a great deal harder to achieve.

In this talk, we'll examine how data-driven systems view disability, and 
look at how accessible technology can be exploited to reveal information 
about its users. We'll break down ways that disabled people can - and do 
- avoid tracking and hacking, and find out why paying a 'privacy tax' 
isn't always feasible for everyone. Finally, we'll discuss open-source 
software that's already reducing the impact of surveillance and security 
risks on people with disabilities, and examine what technologists can do 
to make the privacy tax less necessary.

Dawn is a DevOps/Site Reliability Engineer who started out as a 
freelance developer, and realised that learning about infrastructure and 
release systems would save time and money for everyone involved.
As well as accidental accessibility advocacy, Dawn is on the organising 
team for the Melbourne AWS Programming and Tools meetup, and can 
regularly be found sharing knowledge within the Melbourne cloud 
infrastructure and DevOps communities.
Outside work, Dawn is an occasional author and kitchen alchemist.*

**Attend the meeting by visiting at 7pm MST*

*Meeting Location is Virtual*:

For more information see the meeting information on our web site 

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