SFD 2010 tour of Local Motors micro-factory

PLUG Announcements plug-announce at lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon Sep 13 17:00:21 MST 2010

Local Motors hosts the Software Freedom Day (SFD) Phoenix area event by 
providing a tour of Local-Motors' Chandler Micro-Factory on Thursday, 
September 16th at 18:30.

Local Motors uses Creative Commons licensing for car and part designs 
giving owners and third party parts manufacturers full source access to 
the specs created by Local Motors.

Local Motors uses Free Software internally and would like to use more in 
the cars and in the production of the cars.
Local Motors Micro-Factory, 1576B Nelson Rd, Chandler, AZ 85226

The Phoenix area Software Freedom Day activity is a joint effort from 
ABLEconf (Arizona Business Liberty Experience conference), PLUG (Phoenix 
Linux Users Group) and AZLoCo (Arizona Ubuntu Local Committee). ABLEconf 
is an annual Free Software for Free Enterprise conference.

Local Motors hosts a burgers and welding event the second Tuesday of 
each month. In September, two days before the SFD tour, the topic will 
be "Social Powered Goodness".

Please RSVP to volunteering at ableconf.com

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