Hello Linux folk. I'm making some bash scripts, mostly for templating purposes. In the past, I've used bash scripts to make basic configs of systems. Eventually I went to ansible, but came across trouble pushing to some OSs, as they needed python installed to work with ansible, but was not installed by default. (I might be misremembering the tool used if this is wrong, but this doesn't matter too much) I am asked the obvious question of "if you are templating entire files, why aren't you using something \*other\* than bash like python?". My answer was that my computer doesn't have python installed, and though I know most do, I don't want to force admins to install python (and get root permissions and approval by the security team to install and etc...) to use my utility. I'd rather it be usable immediately, which means it will always be usable if written in bash. So I ask you admins and general users this: what do you think about this situation? Is it worth writing the program in python for possibly more readable and easier to write/maintain code? Or is shell scripting more worth it for the accessibility to any POSIX system without need for extra work to install, run, then uninstall afterward any other scripting language? Is this situation rare? Or is the answer just going to be different dependent on what the scripts do? What do you think?