On Sun, 2014-08-24 at 13:59 -0700, der.hans wrote:
Here's an excellent diagram for how that fits in with other parts of the


Something he mentions, but doesn't go into to detail on, that we've had luck with is LTTng. We've started adding LTTng tracepoints into various modules. They're relatively lightweight and provide a common place from multiple processes to submit events (key for us). It also means we can take a "production image" and enable tracing to start getting data without having special binaries.

It's not up and running yet, but we'll be doing per-image application startup times for all the applications in a default Ubuntu Phone image. That way we can watch for regressions/improvements over time. The data will be captured using LTTng tracepoints.

I keep meaning to write a blog post about this. Soon, I swear :-)
