Haha, thanks! Well, I figured it out. ntp isn't running. I had local time set for UTC. I set time zone to utc and all is good. sorry Mike B. I thought we had set things up correctly. Oh well.

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 3:30 PM Andrew McRobb <andrewmcrobb@gmail.com> wrote:
Sounds like.

A: You didn't set up to use network time. (not that it matters much in AZ)
B: You didn't set what time it is on your distro.

I'm lazy and just use ntpd anyway. ;)

https://linuxhint.com/sync-time-ntp-server-linux/ (assuming you are on Ubuntu/Debian variant)

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 11:00 AM Michael via PLUG-discuss <plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org> wrote:
my timeclock is off by 4 hours. My timezone is set correctly and it updates but what could be wrong?

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