I want to get Tails on a usb drive. I went to the Tails website followed the instructions to the letter.

I have a 64 gig usb drive set to use. In this instance it is /dev/sdd1. I chose the command line installation process. I went through the key verifying process and some of it worked, most didn’t.

Next step, download the image. It went to home/dad.

Next step, installing using dd. I followed that to the letter. It took a couple of minutes to do and the curser went to the normal prompt. Not only did I not get the Tails distro

Now I’m supposed to restart my (Mint 19.1) system and get to the start screen. But the usb drive isn’t found. I went back to the command line and entered df -h. No 64 gig usb drive. I pulled the usb out of the slot and reentered it. Still no 64 gig drive.

The last time this happened, I had to go to Windows 10 so it could recognize the usb drive. I noo longer have a working copy of Win 10.

Is there some way to force the command line readout to see the usb drive? I can go the computer icon on the desktop and see the usb drive. When I try to open it I get "Unable to mount location". Any ideas?

"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll be happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”
