Hi All,
After about a 10 year hiatus away from Linux I'm getting back into
it for daily use. I've been playing around with Ubuntu (and
Zorrin). When I was using Linux all those years ago it was mainly
as command line against a remote server (no desktop). But, now I
want to learn more about using Linux from a desktop user
perspective for daily use. I'm looking for how to do stuff as a
Linux user not so much administering the machine (although I
understand there's some cross over). My main goal is to learn how
to do tasks on the Linux desktop that I currently do on Windows as
a user and a developer (I'm a SQL Server DBA).
Googling for "How to do X in Linux" returns so many hits it's
overwhelming (and time consuming). So, I thought I'd ask the group
to get the good stuff directly. :)
recommendations can the group provide as far as learning
resources? Websites, newsletters, blogs, daily usage tips, etc?
Where do you guys go for this type of information?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.