nextcloud has one of its devs building and maintaining a docker container.

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 2:13 PM Seabass <> wrote:
If we want, I can show various methods of installation, too.

I’ve done it on Pi, using snap, using Ansible, etc...
So if you want some variation in “how “ to install it I’ve got that covered. For you.

Also, I’ve heard about someone putting it in containers and on FreeNAS before, I think? Those I’d like to hear about!

moin moin,

Is there interest in having a virtual NextCloud installation and
configuration event?

We can use IRC and the mailing list for questions.

We could even use bluejean or other video-conferencing to have
presentations. Perhaps an install-lab using chat, then mini-presentations
on some of the interesting modules.



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