specifically. from the cited threads in the list.
- Users who need support for i386 integrated natively into their OS can use
Ubuntu 18.04 with security support until April 2023.
- 18.04 can be run in a chroot or container on top of later Ubuntu releases
until 2023 with security support from Canonical, or beyond that without.
- 32-bit software distributed as snaps built with an 18.04-derived library
runtime can reasonably[1] be expected to work on later releases of Ubuntu
for the foreseeable future
- Once we're past the point where security support is available for the
libraries anyway, maybe there's no advantage anymore to having your 32-bit
compat libraries managed via the packaging system either; so maybe you
just make /lib/i386-linux-gnu a straight unpacked tarball of the libs you
need, and no longer have to worry about the version-lockstep constraints
of multiarch.
A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.