I have been doing this for years. One I would suggest you look up NextCloud for a possible solution. It will give you almost the same feature-set that you get with box, or google drive.

On cos port 80 is blocked, but you can use port 443 which makes life rather simple. and some finagling with letsencrypt you can have a trusted ssl certificate. And finally there are a number of Dynamic DNS options. My current favorite is Google Domains as they give you dyndns features as part of your registration.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 10:16 AM Steven M <stevensspam@cox.net> wrote:

Inspired in part by recent dropbox changes I'm thinking of taking a small box I have laying around and turning it into a nextcloud server (it doesn't hurt that even without making a single upgrade I'd get a significant jump in drive space). Being on residential internet I don't have an IP address that's guaranteed to stay the same so what are the current options to be able to access it from by tablet or laptop when I'm away from home?

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