If I can make a random guess. It's more than likely a firewall issue with the router or said computer. -- I'm betting it's the router. Especially if the computers you are attempting to rsync is on different wlan and lan.

Without knowing too much about your network setup, and what you tried so far. I would just try changing the ssh port on the target computer and see if anything changes.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 11:35 PM Joe Lowder <joe@actionline.com> wrote:
For many months, I have been using rsync to copy files
from one of my computers to two others, and it has worked
flawlessly. But today, it quit working and I cannot figure
out why and how to correct the problem.

Below is the error message I now see:

ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.0]

What do I need to do to correct this problem?

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