Hi Jim
 I recommend the network bridge so all traffic will go direct to the NIC with it's own IP, but I openVPN quite often using both bridge and NAT I use nat when not at home and have to to use a single wifi on the host
the only difference is in nat the host will provide a internal ip which is nice for internal routing if needed.
do you have any vpn logs?
also Lubuntu does not use Gnome network manager  I will email if I find the correct tool we just did one at the installfest last month sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome will fail due to wrong network manager gui.
also test it from the cli it should work there either way Todd

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 10:57 PM Jim <jim.nantz15@comcast.net> wrote:
I decided to try a virtual machine for bittorrent.  The host machine
runs kubuntu 14.04 with 4GB RAM. I've installed virtualbox 5.2.18.  The
virtual machine is running lubuntu 18 and has 1GB RAM.  The problem is
with the vpn.  I can't get openvpn or pptp to work.  I configured them
using the same instructions I did on the host machine.  When I try to
start a VPN connction(openvpn or pptp)  on the guest machine, the icon
appears to show it's trying to connect, then it just stops without
offering any error message.  In  Virtualbox's settings for the guest
machine under network, I chose attached to NAT.

Any ideas what I should do different?


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Ubuntu Arizona Team
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