Agree here, I'd fire up ntop for small load clients and myself occasionally to grab netflow off my home gateway when weird things happen.  You could always run in a cloud like digitalocean, but don't know of anyone doing hosted/saas solutions for any netflow tools.  I'm interested in feedback here too if you find something...  

*Good* + affordable netflow tools I find are sorely lacking out there, even ntop (2.x) is steering netflow to be a cost feature, so you're stuck with old (and somewhat broken/unstable) ntop 1.x.  There is flowtools and some others, but any time I looked at them, they required more elbow-grease than I was willing to commit to for personal use and/or customer implementations.


On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 8:26 PM, Herminio Hernandez, Jr. <> wrote:
ntop is a great tool of netflow collecting

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 7:57 PM, Steve B <> wrote:
Are there any Mikrotik users on the list? I'm interested in gaining some additional info about my network traffic and am looking for a Netflow collector/analyzer SaaS. was mentioned at a previous MUM and they are both Mikrotik friendly and have a very intuitive UI. However, they don't accept residential/enthusiast clients.

Is anyone here on the list familiar with a company that offers this type of service for non-commercial businesses or for the SOHO market?

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