That is a neat concept....

On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Michael Butash <> wrote:
So, I don't normally try to sell friends (or enemies) into banking slavery or anything else really, but for those that need a card to buy things online and other sketchy places, I found Final to be rather compelling geeky solution.  I'd heard about what it does, and found it a service I've waited for for a long time.

I got signed up on the waiting list a while back and got in recently, and they're now sending some "friend" codes out to get others in.  Seems some folks here might appreciate the solution too, I'm liking it so far.

Don't blame me for your credit, but if you're interested, go to and use this code to get in: 


What sold me on it?  I am sick of replacing my card every 3 months with every new leak of my PCI data, so this allows me to create a unique one-time, or vendor-locked card id to a give each unique merchant you deal with.  

Ideally if the number is compromised, you only lose the one use/vendor anyways, plus you know who sucked and gave up your data in theory.  The android app is basic, but works well for managing and creating the card number profiles per merchant.

I rather hate the fact every time I have to change my card, and be inconvenienced resetting it across 50 other merchants, that I am at least not told what merchant was compromised, therefore banks protecting their inept customers, insecure organizations doing so.  I'm hoping this helps me identify the stupid to never do business with them again.

Sadly no other/real bank really offers anything remotely like this.  HTH!


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