Well... I got a course on darktable and in the course the author recommended calibrating your monitor so that your image would look the same on most monitors. Made sense to me so I bought a colormunki and operate it with displaycal. Does anyone here know how to use this thing? I mean I know how to use it to calibrate my monitor but it wants to create an ICC profile. Why? I don't know! What do you use it for? That too I don't know. Well, it took a crap while I was creating the profile so I got to figure that out but the previously mentioned questions are what I'm interested in. 

The error I got was:

   Argyl CMS xicclu: invalid white RGB: 0.9028 0.8939 0.8927

followed by the message in the following window that:

   Profiling has not been finished

just in case someone had a similar error. Now, off to google!