IgnitionDeck is a crowd funding plugin for Wordpress.

I have tried the IgnitionDeck group which relies on users to "support each other" via forums etc. !NOT a very good marketing paradigm for something that is SO buggy!
I even asked for low level technical support docs from IgnitionDeck - NADA

I have joined the local Phoenix WP group support e-mail lists, and will be attending their meet-ups.

I of course need help on a Linux platform (Ubuntu 15.10) but, I am more than happy to move to another flavor of Linux or even UNIX if it would make a difference.
I would even be willing to pay $$$ for someone who is a real expert!

At the moment I can't even get the IgntionDeck plugins to install.

Please feel free to call me at 480 632-8633.

Thanks in advance for any help!