Can anyone tell me what the keyword "super" does in this parameter list for the constructor below? I can only find documentation for the more mundane use when a method references an ancestor.

public WeightedCollection(Comparator<? super E> comp)

package pcgen.base.util;

<</ deleted stuff>>


* Constructs an empty WeightedCollection with the given Comparator used to

* establish equality and order in the WeightedCollection.

* @param comp

*            The Comparator this Set will use to determine equality and

*            order of the WeightedCollection


public WeightedCollection(Comparator<? super E> comp)


     if (comp == null)


          theData = new ListSet<WeightedItem<E>>();




          theData = new TreeSet<WeightedItem<E>>(

                new WeightedItemComparator<E>(comp));

