FYI: I accessed the mouse settings and the sensitivity is set as low as it can go with the GUI. can the sensitivity be decreased more from the command line?

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Michael Havens <> wrote:
goofy me! my wireless mouse has been acting weird. it wouldn't work sometimes. I was sent a link to a webpage that said this could mean the battery contacts are bad (corroding<?>) and that a quick fix was to apply wd-40 to them. the page advised spraying the wd-40 into a cup and to dab them with cotton or something like that. well, I forgot that advice (I read it about a week ago) and I just sprayed it in today. now the mouse works great except now the mouse is SUPER sensitive and up is down, left is right, down is up, and right is left. perhaps it just needs to dry more or has anyone had any experience with something like this? for full disclosure the author of that page recommended using another kind of solveant other than wd-40 but the wd-40 was on-hand. 

