Well, something happened to my laptop about 3 months before I moved. What it would do is: nothing would happen when I turned it on.... not even a cursor! In any case I decided to try it again earlier today and this time a screen would load saying something was wrong with the cmos and that it would be reset upon reboot and to press enter to reboot. I then pressed enter and that same screen would load. After doing that same thing a couple of times I pressed the power button until it turned off. Then (without releasing the button) disconnected the power cord. 30 seconds later (without releasing the button) I plugged it back in. Now it just turns on when I plug it in with no regard to the power switch and I do not even get a cursor As it is now a light on the ethernet port flickers and the caps lock light lights for one second and then is off for 3. Also the wifi light is orange and the light by the power jack is blue. Any ideas as to how to fix this? If I could get this fixed I could use it for my LFS project.
