​Have you run testparm from the command line on both of your samba servers to see what is different between the servers​

On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Keith Smith <techlists@phpcoderusa.com> wrote:

I modified my valid user to correspond to yours.

        path = /work
        browsable = yes
        writable = yes
        read only = no
        valid users = @keith +keith
        write list = keith

The workstation runs Mint 17 KDE

The Samba share is on a VirtualBox guest running CentOS 6.6.

Permissions on the share are set to world writeable (777).  The directories created by using Dolphin are 755 but no files can be added via Dolphin.

Owner is keith:keith

Both the host and the Samba have a user keith and  same password.

Please note I have another Samba box on my network with a different IP and mount point.  Same user and password.  This other Samba share is working fine and is connected to by the fstab.

On 2015-07-31 12:48, James Dugger wrote:
I am assuming that you've checked the ownership of the files and
folders to ensure that user 'keith' and group 'keith' existing and are
assigned correctly.  If you are using the group keith, have you added
the following line to your share in samba:

valid users = @keith +keith
The @ symbol indicates a group and a + indicates a samba username to
add to the share.  If the username 'keith' has been added to the group
named 'keith' in /etc/group and the group ownership of all files and
folders is listed as keith, than you should only need:
valid users = @keith
and it should be working.

If the ownership of the group is not correct.  from the parent
directory of the share folder you may want to do:
chown -R keith:keith <share_folder>/

On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Keith Smith
<techlists@phpcoderusa.com> wrote:

Thanks James!

It mounts OK and I can create directories, just cannot upload

On 2015-07-31 11:24, James Dugger wrote:

​Have you checked for any conflicts in the options portion in the
mount statement of the drive where the share is located in the
file of the samba server ... with the mount statement on the samba
client box? Your cifs mount statement calls for the username
​, does the mount statement for the drive where the file being
shared on the server allow this user name option?​

I'm mounting the actual drive on my samba server as ext4 with
defaults. I am mounting the share on two mac boxes using cifs.
​ My shares are used for backup not daily rw activity.​

Are you mounting using cifs ?

My share is in CentOS 6.6 and my desktop is Mint 17 kde.

I have a samba server on a LAMP dev box and it mounds just fine
cifs with the mount command being in the fstab.

I wonder if there is a conflix between the two boxes or if there
something I am missing.

I spun up a minimul CentOS VM and can ping etc. Turned off
and IPTables. Installed and configured Samba and the same thing is

I can connect and brows just not upload files. I can even create

I set the share to 0777.

Could this be a VM thing?

On 2015-07-26 19:01, James Dugger wrote:

I set up my own share declaration at the end of the smb.conf file.
For example I have a simple one called [archive] that allows
to be placed on a server running Ubuntu 15.04 server edition.

I create the samba users and passwords for each user (these match
their unix user accounts)
I set the appropriate unix permissions for the group that I want
typically 775.
I create a group called "archive" in /etc/group and then add all
the users who are to have access to it into the archive group.
the valid users = @group_name is the key that allows samba to
the access to samba share.

The key is add the the users to the group in /etc/group and to make
sure that they have a mapped samba username and password.

comment = backup drive
path = /srv/archive
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
valid users = @archive

There are other options but I usually find that the I forget to
the /etc/group file.

Hope that helps

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Keith Smith
<techlists@phpcoderusa.com> wrote:

Thanks for the link.

My smbpasswd is in /usr/bin/smbpasswd

Just to make sure I : touch /etc/samba/smbpasswd

then I :
smbpasswd -x username
smbpasswd -a username

still same issue.

Remove /etc/samba/smbpasswd

I've created several directories off of /work/ on the samba
using the Samba server's command line. Using Dolphin on my
I can add directories to /work/ - they have correct permissions
ownership. However I get a permissions dialog when adding files

If I try to add a file to one of those directories I created
Dolphin on my desktop there is no error and no file shows up.

Thank you for your help!!

On 2015-07-26 10:28, Stephen Partington wrote:




On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Keith Smith
<techlists@phpcoderusa.com> wrote:

Thanks!! I added the Samba user as one of the first steps. My
smb.config shows "passdb backend = tdbsam". I cannot find the
tdbsam file. What am I missing?

On 2015-07-26 09:56, Todd Millecam wrote:

If I remember right, samba doesn't follow regular *nix
Try running the command:

to get your user name and password in. Use those credentials when
login to transfer files and see if it works.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Keith Smith
<techlists@phpcoderusa.com> wrote:


I am running Mint 17 KDE. I've uploaded Virtualbox and created a
vm using CentOS 6.6. On the CentOS 6.6 VM I installed Samba.

I created a user on the VM and created the same user as a Samba
I created a directory off root : /work
smb and nmb are both running.
in the /etc/samba/smb.conf I:
1) set the workgroup - I do not think this is necessary since I
connection from Linux.
2) commented out all the cups references
3) added the following lines:

- path = /work
- writable = yes
- browseable = yes
- read only = no

SELinux is disables
IPTables is disabled

I have the exact same config on a laptop running CentOS 6.6 and
works fine. Only difference is the laptop mounts and connects to
Samba from the fstab.

To connect to the Samba share on the VM I issue the following
command from my desktop's command line:

sudo mount -t cifs -o user='username' // [1]

[2] [1]

/mnt/centos6 (command line on my desktop)

It mounts and I can view the /work directory in Dolphin on the
parent (mint 17 KDE desktop).

I cannot upload files though.

To test I : chmod -R 777 /work which did not help.

I checked the Samba logs and they contain almost nothing - no
errors are being logged.

I've scoured the internet and am finding no solution.


create mask = 0755
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0770
force user = keith
force group = keith

which did not make a difference.

Any ideas are much appreciated.


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