I was wondering.... I was playing bandit and on level 13 they say some suggested reading is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys . I was reasing that page and followed a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring#Logging because I always wondered how I could see how many log in attempts were made to my computer (not that I think anyone will crack my password which is greater than ten characters. Wait a second.... I do not think I ever set an ssh password. ...
guys, my websearch has proven to be fruitless. what do you suggest I do?

in any case, I was looking at the settings for openssh.config (or whatever the file is called) and happened upon:

     Rate-limit the connections

which happens to use ufw:

sudo ufw limit ssh

I was wondering if that command would turn it on permanently? After I entered the command it responded with something like 'new rule added' so I am assuming (I am not an ass!) that is so. 

I was wondering what should be changed?
I am making loglevel Verbose