My daughter's Dell D620 seems to be dying. I think the screen is dead...the splash screen at boot time does not appear even though the HD light is on. It has Ubuntu on it now. I tried running the Dell Diag diak, but the screen remained dark as well.

She has one more semester in high school, then off to college with a shiny new Macbook Pro. Sort of a family tradition as her two older sisters went down the gray path and abandoned Linux for iOS when they went to college. I read there will be another generation of Macbook Pros out this summer, so I would like to wait to buy her that new Mac until after high school relatives always chip in a little extra to mitigate the sting of the Apple price tag...;)

Anyway, does anyone have an older laptop they are willing to sell that is comparable to a D620 (Core duo processor T7600, 14.1", A couple of Gigs of RAM)?

Is there a place that older laptops go to be refurbished and resold? Does anyone have any experience with Device Pitstop (2827 W. Peoria Avenue, Suite 100-A Phoenix,)? They buy and sell computers.

